Monday, July 13, 2020

Black Science Fiction and Fantasy

During the two discussions of Parable of the Sower last month, several participants mentioned that they don't often read science fiction or are rarely drawn to the genre, but that Octavia Butler's work is piquing their interest to explore more science fiction, particularly Black perspectives in science fiction. While a simple Google search will bring back dozens upon dozens of science fiction recommendations by Black authors, you may find a lot of overlap, which belies the tremendous canon of Black authors in the genre. As luck would have it, acclaimed author Nisi Shawl recently published an annotated list on that may help interested readers find their next great read: Take a Tour Through the History of Black Science Fiction. Here you'll find many different ways to dip into science fiction (including Octavia Butler!), and most are available to checkout through the library.

I also mentioned that I celebrate "Sci-Fi July" with a group of friends, and we usually make a bingo for each year. This year, we are celebrating female and non-binary Black authors in science fiction and fantasy. There are too many to include on one bingo sheet, so use this as a jumping-off point!

Sci-Fi July bingo card for 2020

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